About Your Instructor

Hi 👋

I'm Heather Larson! Nice to meet you and thank you for joining my course! I teach yoga, meditation, and Reiki. I'm also a certified transformational life coach.

I started seriously meditating in 2015, though I had tried it over the years before then. I was meditating with a teacher and counselor who was teaching the methods of Joey Klein. We'd meet weekly to try different techniques and it was everything because my life was in a state of flux back then. I was leaving broadcasting to work in the addiction field. I'd barely been an entrepreneur for a solid year, having started my own Reiki business in 2014.

My meditation practice helped me stay calm and navigate the changes in my life as best as I could. It gave me more focus and awareness. I credit it with helping me to stay true to myself during a time of turbulence. This isn't at all to say the practice was easy!

I know from personal experience it can be hard to start a consistent meditation practice. It can also be difficult to get what we want from a new meditation practice. I also feel that many of us somehow become aware of meditation early on in life. In our younger years, we may not be "built" to meditate yet. (I was this way!)

I think by early adulthood, we become aware that "meditation is good."

  • But why is it good?
  • What are the benefits?
  • And what does meditation do anyway?
  • HOW do we do it?
  • What if I can neither become quiet nor sit still?

I'll be answering all these questions in the course in order to help you learn to meditate.

For me, I thought meditation would bring inner peace. ☮️

I have actually been given so much more than that!

Meditation for me is a tool, a quiet inner place I can go to any time, and a place I can find answers through increased self-awareness.

Even when I only practice once a day, the rewards of meditating remain.

Meditation is a part of my first love, yoga! I never planned to, but I managed to detour away from my yoga teacher training in order to complete my 100-hour meditation teacher training at Yogamu.

Of course, before Online Yoga School for Yoga and Yogamu for meditation teacher training, there was always the traditional Japanese art of Reiki. Reiki offers its own take on meditation in both Eastern and Western Reiki. In fact, meditation is "prep" for Reiki. It's a way to increase the amount of Reiki flowing through you.

Join me in this course to learn to meditate and start creating your own practice today!

Learn more anytime at DestinyArchitecture.com

Join the meditation membership anytime for weekly guided meditations and a LIVE monthly group meditation for the New Moon 🌚 at DestinyArchitecture.net.

Lesson Summary

Heather Larson teaches yoga, meditation, Reiki, and is a certified transformational life coach. She started seriously meditating in 2015 and credits it with helping her navigate changes in her life and staying true to herself. Meditation can be difficult to start and get desired results from, but Heather will answer all these questions in her course. Meditation has brought her more than inner peace, it's a tool for self-awareness and finding answers. Meditation is a part of her love for yoga, and she detoured from her yoga teacher training to complete her 100-hour meditation teacher training. Reiki also incorporates meditation as a way to increase Reiki flow. Join her course to learn to meditate and create your own practice. Learn more at DestinyArchitecture.com and join the meditation membership at DestinyArchitecture.net for weekly guided meditations and monthly group meditation for the New Moon. - Heather Larson is a yoga, meditation, and Reiki teacher - She started meditating seriously in 2015 and credits it with helping her navigate life changes - Her course will answer questions about starting a consistent meditation practice - Meditation is a tool for self-awareness and finding answers - It is a part of her love for yoga and is incorporated into Reiki practice - Join her course to learn to meditate and create your own practice - Visit DestinyArchitecture.com for more information - Join the meditation membership at DestinyArchitecture.net for guided meditations and group meditation sessions for the New Moon

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