About Your Meditation Journal

Download this 130-Page Meditation Journal I designed to help you through your new meditation practice. It's designed for a 30-day journey, but you can also start with a week or 21 days. It's a PDF file you can print out. I recommend saving some trees and by downloading the PDF file to the Notability app for iPad. I do this all the time with worksheets and it makes them easily duplicatable within the app! (Then you can use this for 60, 90, or more days).

Here's what's in it:

  • A 30-day challenge worksheet
  • A weekly planner (4 of them) so you can plan out your meditation times
  • Then there are 30 brain dump worksheets. This will be helpful to have handy for when you sit down to meditate. If you absolutely have to dump your thoughts in the beginning, it's OK! Do it here.
  • Then there's a non-linear habit tracker worksheet
  • There's a simple habit tracker worksheet
  • Then there's the daily mood tracker so you can become more self-aware of your moods as you practice meditation daily. Record what you discover. There are 30 of these.
  • Then there are basic meditation journaling pages (30 of them) for you to record what comes up during your practice, how long you practice, and what time of day you practice. You can also rate how your practice felt.
  • In the end, there are 30 gratitude sheets for you to work on deepening your gratitude practice.

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